Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vonn now synonymous with Jerk

What a coincidence, both are 4 letter words!

Pictured above : Jerk

Okay, here's the deal. Watching the morning Olympic coverage today, the ever-annoying Dan and Jessi from MTV were hanging out with Gino Reda discussing something Lindsey Vonn did during her medal ceremony, the one where she won Bronze for the Ladies Super-G.

What the hell is a Super G anyways?

When Vonn was awarded her bronze medal, she promptly pulled out her gold medal from within her coat, and held both up. On a scale of 1 to Dick Move, she pulled a Dick Move. What a classless thing to do. Gino Reda described it as 'getting married a few days before your friend, then showing up at her wedding still wearing your wedding dress'. Haha. Percy Jackson could learn a thing or two from Vonn about stealing thunder.

Hey Linds, the Jerkstore called...

Karma, much like show business, appears to be a Hideous Bitch Goddess. In the first run of today's Giant Slalom, Vonn crashed, and possibly broke her hand.

Pictures are worth two words. Not 1000.

For an awesomely fitting quote, we'll go to Conan. "But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen. And if you're an ass, you'll fall and break your hand". (Okay, I might've added a bit on the end there...) I find it ironic this class act of an athlete will be one of the first guests on the class act of late night TV's return to the Tonight Show.

So, I guess the whole point of this blog entry was that Jay Leno sucks.

Breaking News Update : Confirmed that she in fact broke her hand. Justice!


  1. This doesn't change the fact that she's stellar looking, and in the end, doesn't that mean everybody wins?

  2. Too funny, Tom! :) Agreed - that's pretty awful.

  3. I used to live and breathe CoCo, but now I'm on the Craig Ferguson train. Tom, write about him! Or blizzards. Your choice.

    PS: This blog is great. My new homepage.
